For the last few weeks, the Gaslini Institute has been able to use two surgical loupes to support the ophthalmology department directed by Dr Massimiliano Serafino, thanks to a donation by
With these magnifying loupes, surgeons can perform some operations without a microscope. This makes it possible to carry out some procedures in different operating theaters with significant logistical advantages when an ophthalmologist is called upon for surgical consultations by other departments, like Neurosurgery.
“More equipment means a greater capacity to care for our young patients. Thanks to Ferdinando Napoli and Vincenzo Maiorano, co-founders of Edilportale S.p.A., an Italian media-tech company that has always been committed to issues like value spill-over into a territory, corporate welfare and social issues.”
(Gaslini Institute)

“We are familiar with the work of Dr Massimo Serafino’s team. For us, their professional excellence within the overall excellence of the Gaslini Institute is synonymous with commitment, organisation, results, and dedication to people.
Edilportale shares these values. For this reason, we are thrilled and proud to support an institution like Gaslini, which is so committed to the care of children. It is a simple gesture when compared to the importance of the Professionals and the Institute. It is meant to express our Company’s esteem, solidarity and gratitude for the valuable work performed by Dr Serafino’s team every day. We wish them well in their efforts!”
(Ferdinando Napoli and Vincenzo Maiorano, founder of Edilportale)