Edilportale + Slowfunding

That’s how we write the future of the real estate assets’ regeneration

Put together the competence of two young architects. Now connect it to the love for their own territory. And here it is: Slowfunding, the whole made in italy startup whose mission is to retrain the real estate assets. How? Through the most innovative way of gaining funds: crowdfunding.
“There is nothing like this in the whole world”, explains Enzo Maiorano, co-founder of Edilportale, “I’ve always wanted to create something similar”.

Edilportale + Slowfunding

Edilportale – that’s always been fascinated by groundbreaking ideas and projects – chose to invest in Slowfunding and it’s ready to believe in this ambitious interesting creation.

“We wanted to take the chance of being an active part involved in Matera 2019” – says Ferdinando Napoli, CEO and co-founder of Edilportale – “because Basilicata and Puglia are both rich in prestigious buildings which deserve to come back to new life”.
The challenge is to give a hope and an answer to that need of economic resources which has been the cause of the decline and state of abandon of the italian real estate assets.

And – why not? – it’s a chance to make Italy’s great forgotten treasures shine again.

What do we talk about when we talk of Slowfunding?
From the heart of the region Basilicata, in the south of Italy, to the centre of Milan, this brand new Startup has now become one of the most interesting realities in the real estate panorama. Willing to rediscover and recover historical buildings, Slowfunding definitely doesn’t agree with one of the unwritten rules of the real estate market: “who doesn’t have enough money, can’t afford a high quality architectural property”.

“We focus on those buildings in hystorical centres or in cultural cities, castles, farmhouses, historic homes or industrial sites of architectural prestige that are in a state of neglect” explains Lia Brisacani CMO and Creative Director of Slowfunding. Properties which would be economically inaccessible to small and medium investors, without the help of a crowdfunding platform.

Thanks to the reward-based crowdfunding platform created by Domenico Dimichino and Lia Brisacani, the properties’ owners have the chance to gain the attention of potential co-investors.
And on the other side, these ones will be able to join capitals and support the recover of the property, getting benefits through a reward-based system.

Awards and merits
Slowfunding is a young reality in Italy but it has already obtained several merits. Award Winner at the “Working Capital Accelerator” 2014 Edition, the startup won two “special awards” during TechGarage Basilicata 2014 and it is one of the startups chosen by Intesa SanPaolo at StartUp Initiative Smart Building & Construction 2014.

Via Natale Loiacono, 20
70126 Bari, Italy

Showroom Milano Via Tortona, 31 20144 Milan, Italy

Showroom Bari Corso Vittorio Emanuele, 139/A 70128 Bari, Italy

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